Saturday, October 24, 2015


(Originally Published Monday December 15, 2014)

Two songs I’ll forever hold near and dear to my heart—and which almost remind me of the other—are, “Where To Now” from Comeback Season and “What I’m Thinking Right Now” from off of The Empire and Drake. Each track contains only one verse on very well-constructed sample beats and both songs offer a reflection of the artist’s life with a hint of personal swank.

            “It was worth it, it was all worth it!” is the opening line in Where To Now and the part of the song I find most memorable. It’s reminiscent of that moment one get’s to in life when they can look back and recognize that everything they went through, good or bad, had its purpose and was worth being where they are right now because of what they’ve learned and/or because of who they’ve become. It’s that type of outlook—the same type I felt Drake had since first hearing Room For Improvement—that made me go out and buy the book ‘The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene when Drake mentioned it in What I’m Thinking Right Now.  I’m all for positive knowledge, constructive information and new perspectives, and The 48 Laws of Power was a very well-constructed book that provided all of that and more on the topic of power. It gave me a greater insight into Drake and what he was trying to hone in order to get where he wanted to be, but it also showed me a lot about the work and wisdom that goes into gaining and maintaining positions of power in any situation. I wouldn’t exactly say the book was for me or that it was a testament to my ambition or goals, but it was definitely an informative read, and the sheer suggestion of something so valuable—and a book, nonetheless!—was another reason I looked at and up to Drake in all of the ways that I did.

**(And a special 'Happy Birthday' Shout Out to my twin bro and sis!) 



Chapter 11: ‘Where To Now?’ is What I’m Thinking Right Now. Written By: Jae Antoinette


It seems as if things have calmed back down to a normal pace with me and Kendra. The unremitting smile has now dissipated into something more recognizable and she hasn’t pulled another disappearing act, but I still can’t help but wonder …
She pulled an impressive move surprising me the way she did with tricks and treats and love-making so sweet—but it all felt like a cover-up. She wanted me quiet, wanted to change the subject and felt sex was the best way to do that. But I’m not that man. My mind could never be so distracted by sex that I would completely forget the thing that’s bothering me, and if she doesn’t know that by now, then she isn’t the person I thought she was.
It’s already looking like she isn’t the person I thought she was anyway, so the question is: What do I do now? Now that I feel the way I feel and the situation’s been handled the way it has been handled, what is the next step, huh? Where to now? Could I be crazy for thinking what I’m thinking right now when I have no real proof of anything besides Kendra’s seemingly suspicious behaviour and my own discontented feelings? Perhaps. But it’s all been enough to make me wonder, and wonder steadily. And that, in itself, is already too much …

                            TO BE CONTINUED … 

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