Saturday, October 24, 2015


(Originally Posted Tuesday March 24, 2015)

Drake has been in the media and the news quite a bit lately, and it’s taken me a point of real thought on who he is as a rapper, how he handles himself as in character, and compare them with who he has always been in the past. I watched three interviews (which didn’t have a lot of views surprisingly) on YouTube from three different intervals of time and was able to reconnect with all of the things that I initially liked about Drake, in the first place, why he’s had such an affect on me.
            There is something to be said for parents who allow their children to be who they are and promote their children to not only be their best but do their best even when they fall short. There is something to be said of the sacrifice in nurturing a child to their greatest potential just by recognizing that they are their own person, unique to their gifts, and putting yourself out of the way to allow that to flourish. A lot of people think you have to be all over your kids and direct them in all of your past faults in order for them to achieve more – and achieve more than you did – in terms of being successful; but success comes in a lot of shapes and forms, just as humans do, and though it’s always important to be there for your kids and guide them as they rely on you, it’s just as important to step back and understand the bigger picture in preparing their worlds for them.
            I also think there is something to be said of individuals who are free to be themselves under any circumstances. Often we fear the negative route an ideal such as this could take, but with the right understanding, and the right ‘broughtupcy,’ guidance and nurturing, I feel that this way of life leads to the most positive and progressive forms of learning, which lead to the most positive and progressive forms of living, and ultimately to becoming the most positive and progressive people.
            Drake (or Aubrey) is one of these people. And I respect and appreciate the type of woman his mother must be in order to bring up a child of such calibre. I can’t say that everything that Drake does is right, but there is something to be said for the way he displays himself and handles altercations, especially where music is concerned. Anything he has to say to or about anyone is said through the music—his truest art form. We make our greatest stance through the things we love most and I like that Drake uses his art to speak. You always know where he’s coming from and how he feels on certain topics, and I feel that’s the realest way to keep it. It takes courage, composure and confidence to speak truly and honestly, consistently, from the heart, so when Drake talks, you tend to listen because you know it is something not far from the truth.
            The song I chose to feature tonight for these exact purposes is “The Resistance,” the third song from off of Thank Me Later produced by our favourite engineer, 40. I love these introspective, late-night-feel type tracks (which carry most of Drake’s sound). I found that this song was a reflection that hung in the balance (or wake) of Drake’s finally making it and transitioning from the one point to the next, so it has a lot of personal depth to it and, like all of Drake’s music, gives us a little insight into Drake’s mind and world.


Chapter 37: The Resistance. / Written By: Jae Antoinette


Bria’s been a little off tonight and I know we both know it. The resistance I feel from her, the vacancy … she’s been looking for someone and I think it’s that cat from the other night. I don’t know what it is about her and this guy, but she has to know I don’t like it.
            At first, I figured that dude was just a creep; someone taking fantasies a little too far with my girl. But then I see the way she’s been looking for him tonight, and the way she was looking at him that night, and I wonder if she thinks I’m stupid or possibly the kind of guy to tolerate disrespect from a woman—especially my woman.
I don’t know if Bria thinks getting with me means she can still be who she was before we were together, but if that’s the case my baby is sadly mistaken. I love her to death, but I will be dead before she disrespects me, herself, or our relationship more than she already has by doing what she does. You think I like that my girl is a stripper? Hell-to-the-fucking-no! But it’s better she has me to keep her safe then to be out here with dudes like that one—or worse—trying to get at her. She’s a beautiful girl and I couldn’t have anyone trying to disrespect her or take advantage of that.
            I’mma lay back, though. Me being here is more about me keeping an eye out for her than it is to pick a fight every night, so I need to just keep my cool. At the end of the night, she’s coming home with me, so there’s no need to be worried. I haven’t seen dude back in here since I threatened to break him in two—and I better not again if he wants to stay healthy—so until I have a reason to pop-off, I’mma be a good boyfriend and sit right here until I can take my pretty little lady back to the crib with me, where she belongs …


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